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MC and PMC v9 NET Software Updates 

MC and PMC v9 NET Software Updates 

MC9.Windows., MC9.ES.Windows., PM9.ES.Windows., PM9.Windows.

  • contains the fix for the cut long texts in work order print preview and detail adjustments for the 1-page print preview.

MC9.Windows., MC9.ES.Windows., PM9.ES.Windows., PM9.Windows.

  • Bug fix for the Date DBnull error Fixed the bug for the "Date Column Error" when launching the maintenance coordinator (bug is present in all versions)

  • Added work order settings to limit the display of the completion notes and details.

  • added the completion notes when previewing a completed work order.

  • Renamed the "Generate by Date" to "Generate next by Date Range."


MC9 Only

  • Reverted some of the changes I made for the upcoming "Bulk Regenerate" to prevent bugs in the working work order regeneration.

  • Added a new generation functionality "Bulk Generate Work Order Until Selected End Date" to let the users bulk regenerate their work orders until their desired date.


MC9.Windows. and MC9.Windows.ES.

Purchasing and Receiving

  • When Printing a PO, the POPrinted will be marked to true.

  • When Printing a Requisition, the POPrinted will be marked to true.

  • When sending an approval, the SentEmail will be marked to true.

  • Add buttons for manual updating of the column status to true if it is false and false if it is already true.

  • Update Mail Sent Status is for the SentEmail column.

  • Update PO Printed Status is for the POPrinted column.

  • Update Req Printed Status is for the ReqPrinted column.

Example, I have Work-X that I want to regenerate only until Jan 3, Work-Y only until Jan 5, and Work-Z only until Jan 7. When selecting the "Generate by Dates" with the new proposed functionality and selecting a date range with the end date of jan-10, Work orders X,Y, and Z and all the other work orders within the selected range will generate until jan-10 instead of the desired dates and work orders.



  • Fixed a bug in the "Asset Cost Report" where the report will produce an error when using the AttachDBFilename type of db connection.

  • Fixed a bug in the "Asset Cost Report" where other assets associated with the part will also show when assigning "more than 1 Equipment used on".

  • Renamed the "Allow Work Order Generation" to  "Allow Work Order Regeneration" in the user permissions for uniformity in the Main Setting

  • Removed a feature in the database setting where using "Windows Authentication" will set the "User Instance" to True automatically and when using "SQL Authentication" will set the "User Instance" to False automatically since there are scenarios where some "Windows Authentication" are needed to have a false user instance and some "SQL Authentication" to have a true user instance.


  • Added the Regeneration Setting for the Machine Level in the Main Settings ("Allow Work Order Regeneration" is Disabled by Default)

  • Added the Regeneration Setting for the user Level ("Allow Work Order Generation" is Disabled by Default)

  • Manual Work Order Generation and Regeneration will now not run unless both settings are enabled to prevent the possibility of work order duplicates and database deadlocks within the network.

  • Manual Work Order Generation and Regeneration will now not run unless both settings are enabled to prevent work order duplicates and database deadlocks within the network.

  • .Net Framework Update to 4.8

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